The victorian age quizz by louis foissey and jeanne poussou

Hello, it's a very difficult quizz. Good luck!!!!

When did Queen Victoria reign over England?

When did Queen Victoria reign over England?

1/ When did Queen Victoria reign over England?

What is the phrase describing the British Empire in the 19tn Century

What is the phrase describing the British Empire in the 19tn Century

2/ What is the phrase describing the British Empire in the 19tn Century

Which country wasn't a colony in the British Empire

Which country wasn't a colony in the British Empire

3/ Which country wasn't a colony in the British Empire

What is the name of the first locomotive designed by Stephenson?

What is the name of the first locomotive designed by Stephenson?

4/ What is the name of the first locomotive designed by Stephenson?

What is the most famous novel written by Charles Dickens?

What is the most famous novel written by Charles Dickens?

5/ What is the most famous novel written by Charles Dickens?

Who invented the telephone?

Who invented the telephone?

6/ Who invented the telephone?

Where did the Great Exhibition take place in 1851?

Where did the Great Exhibition take place in 1851?

7/ Where did the Great Exhibition take place in 1851?

What is the most famous phrase in Oliver Twist?

What is the most famous phrase in Oliver Twist?

8/ What is the most famous phrase in Oliver Twist?

Why the Commonwealth called this way?

Why the Commonwealth called this way?

9/ Why the Commonwealth called this way?

Who was Emily Brontë?

Who was Emily Brontë?

10/ Who was Emily Brontë?

Who was the husband of Queen Victoria?

Who was the husband of Queen Victoria?

11/ Who was the husband of Queen Victoria?

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