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The Victorian Age by Aussaguel T, Domniez M et Flajolet B

Hello, this quiz is about the Victorian Age.

When was Queen Victoria born?

When was Queen Victoria born?

1/ When was Queen Victoria born?

Who was Charles Dickens?

Who was Charles Dickens?

2/ Who was Charles Dickens?

Who invented the telephone?

Who invented the telephone?

3/ Who invented the telephone?

Who invented

Who invented

4/ Who invented "The Rocket"?

Who invented the telegraph?

Who invented the telegraph?

5/ Who invented the telegraph?

Among these three countries, wich ones belong to the British Empire?

Among these three countries, wich ones belong to the British Empire?

6/ Among these three countries, wich ones belong to the British Empire?

When did the London Great Exhibition take place?

When did the London Great Exhibition take place?

7/ When did the London Great Exhibition take place?

Which writer published Oliver Twist?

Which writer published Oliver Twist?

8/ Which writer published Oliver Twist?

What was

What was

9/ What was "The Rocket"?

What could we see at the London Great Exhibition?

What could we see at the London Great Exhibition?

10/ What could we see at the London Great Exhibition?

How long did Queen Victoria reign?

How long did Queen Victoria reign?

11/ How long did Queen Victoria reign?

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