volley-ball practise by Julie, Maï, Marine & Laura
Julie, Maï, Marine & Laura
Coach (Maï): Hello, today is volley practise. Do you remember the rules Marine?
Marine: Yes,I do. You hit the ball with your hands and the ball mustn't bounce.
Laura: You pass the ball over the net and you mustn't touch the ball with your feet too
Coach: And you Julie do you remember the rules?
Julie: Yes, I do. You can move in your camp and there are two teams of two players.
Coach: Verry good.

Marine: Do you need a shorts, a T-shirt and a helmet?
Coach: Yes you need a shorts, a T-shirt but you don't need a helmet.
Julie: Do you need a racket ?
Laura: No ! We don't are in tennis !

Marine: I can take my bottle of water ?
Coach: Yes you can. Go !
1 hour later
Julie: Oh ! Coach ! I have a problèm ! It's my feet ! I can't move it !
Coach: Oh ok. Let's take a brake!
Laura: How are you?
Julie: I'm fine thank you.

Marine: Can I eat my sandwich ?
Coach: Yes you can.
1 hour later
Coach: It's finish for today !
Julie: Bye coach !
Marine: Goodbye coach !
Laura: Bye !
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