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Sports outlet Enola ,Marlène ,Coraline and Loryane

By Enola , Marlène , Coraline and Loryane

The coach: Do you remember the rules?

Coraline: Yes,in rugby,you must pass the ball behind and you must take his legs so he falls.

Enola: You must tackle the player and you must kick the ball.

Marlène: You must always follow the rules and you must use your feet.

Coraline: You mustn't pass the ball forward.

Marlène: You must score tries and conversions.

Enola: Do I need a sandwich,crips and a bottle of water?

The coach: Yes,you do.


Marlène: Coach,I haven't got my boots and my


Coraline: Oh!Again!

The coach: Don't worry about it.Keep you clothes.

Marlène: OK coach!

The coach: Enola and Marlène are the captains.

Enola: I choose Coraline and Amandine.

Marlène: I choose Violette and Inès.

The coach: OK.

Coraline: Yes,it's cool.

The coach: Let 's try.


(Blow whistle)

Marlène: Coach,I am hurt.

The coach: Where does it hurt ?

Marlène: It 's my foot.

The coach: Ok,you don't play anymore.

Marlène: Ok ,Coach.I go sit down on the bench.

(Blow whistle)

The coach: Ok,Enola ,now you use your feet and you kick the ball.

Enola: Ok.

The coach: Yes perfect. Now let's take a break.


Coraline: Enola can you give me your bottle of water?

Enola: Yes,that's it !

Coraline: Ok ,thanks.

(Blow whistle)


The coach: Violette tackle Coraline.

Violette: Ok coach.

Coraline: Ouch!

The coach: What's wrong?

Coraline: It's my nail.

The coach: Must we call the ambulance?

Coraline: Yes the manicure ambulance...

The players: Hi!Hi!Hi!...

The coach: It's finish. Give me the rugby ball please.Good bye,see you tomorrow.

The girls together Bye coach!!!


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Commentaires (3)

  • 1. coraline | 19/02/2018
mercii :*
  • 2. theo | 01/06/2017
Bravo c'est super
  • 3. Laura | 31/05/2017

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