Tennis training by Théo, Baptiste, Antoine and Enzo
Tennis Training by Théo, Baptiste, Antoine and Enzo
coach: hello lads!
players: Hello coach !
coach: Antoine, do you remember the rules ?
Antoine: Yes sir, you must hit the ball with the racket.Pass the ball over the net, you musn't pass the ball in the tramlimes.You musn't hit the player. The ball must bounce once.
coach: Ok, great. You must bring your trainers and your rackets for the match.
Baptiste: Can we bring soda?
coach: No, you mustn't drink soda before the game but you can bring a bottle of water.
Enzo: Can we bring a sandwich?
coach: Yes you can.You can bring fruits.
Theo: Must we put on shorts or our tracksuit ?

coach: You must always put on shorts because it's very hot. Have you got questions before the match?
players: No coach.
coach : Great! Let's go for the practise.
The boys play...
Baptiste: Ah ah ah my head!
coach: What's wrong?
Theo: It's his head !
coach: Must we call the ambulance ?
Baptiste: Yes sir please.
coach: Ok.Maybe you can't play the match tomorrow!

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