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Mum : "So are you ready Michael ? 

Michael  : Not really, I forget to make a pack - lunch for half-time.

Mum : It's Okay ! I help you !

Michael : Thanks Mum !

Mum: Okay , so do you need a Sandwich ? 

Michael  : Yes .

Mum : Do you want some water ?

Michael : Actually , I would water coke if that is possible. 

Mum : Of course any way it's time to go , come on ! 



Michael : I have one question, are we aloud to tackle the other players ?

Coach : No, Sorry Michael. Any way , go join the other players and get ready ! 

Coach : Hi Anita ! Are you ready for the big game ? 

Anita : I'm a bit stressed out  but I think. I am ready !!!!!

Coach : Do you need your shorts ?

Anita and Michael : Yes I need !

Coach : You need your the socks ?
Anita and Michael : Yes I need !

Coach : What time is trainning ?

Anita : Is 14 pm

Coach :GO !!







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