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rugby practise

lilas, margaux, clémence, luca

The coach: Today is rugby training. Margaux, remember the rules!

Margaux: oh no! I don't know them!

Coach: Margaux it isn't good! 

Lilas: Sir, in rugby you musn't pass the ball forward.

Coach: Very good Lilas! Warm up! Lilas you are the captain.

Lilas: Go girls!


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Coach: Margaux why are you stopping?

Margaux: It's my shin, sir.Can I sit please?

Coach: Yes, you can. Do you want  to call an ambulance?

Margaux: Yes.



Coach: Okay! Girls, do you want to drink?

The girls: Yes, we do.

Luca: Sorry, coach! I AM A BOY ! I am NOT a girl!

Coach: oh sorry Luca! FORGIVE me!

Luca: Sir, do I need my helmet?

Coach: No you don't!

Margaux: Do I need my boots? 

Coach: Yes, you do! It's ESSENTIAL!!


Coach:The bus is here.

The girls and Luca: But why?

Coach We play a match versus the team of Westwood School.

The girls and Luca:Okay! When?

Coach: It's today! Let's go!

They enter the bus.

Coach: One, Two, Three, Four...Where is Clémence?

Clémence: I'm here! I haven't my socks and my snack!

Coach: Oh Clémence!! You haven't your snack!!



TV presenter: Today, Manchester team is the winner of this competition. They can play very well!!

Coach: Good Job!

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