Basketball training by Damir & Elie & Theo & Tristan
Damir & Elie & Tristan & Théo
Coach: Hello boys, today is basketball practise. Paul do you remember the rules ?
Paul: We must dribble , score basket , we mustn't throw the ball of the game and we mustn't hit the player.
Coach: Good Paul .Peter do you know what we need to play basketball Peter:Yes Sir, we need boots,we need shorts,we need t-shirt and a basketball ball Paul:No we don't need boots but we need trainers.
Coach: Good Paul ,Peter we need trainers, oK.
Peter: Yes Sir, I'm sorry.
Coach:So, let's start .
Peter: Oh Sir, I don't have my trainers, I have only my boots
Coach: Ok , Peter take my trainers .
(one basket scored)
Coach: Good,John, now peter play with your team.
Coach :Now you can go and drink.
Peter: Can I drink coke ?
coach: No, you can't drink coke but you can drink water.
coach: well, let's go for the seconde part of the basketball lesson

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