basketball Marie,Aurea,Elsa,Lily & Kalvin

Mr smith: Hi, Ashley !

Ashley: Hi, mr Smith !

Mr smith: Who are you ?

Ashley: I'm fine thanks you, and you ?

Mr smith: I'm fine thanks you, Do you have your athletic wear ?

Ashley: Yes, I have my athletic wear !

Mr smith: Super!You remember the rules of the game? 

Ashley: yes, but I don't remember if you pass the ball forward you or behind you ?

Mr smith: you must pass the ball behind you and dribble the ball to score a basket

Ashley: like this ?

Mr smith: Yes, Do you have biscuit ?

Ashley: Yes, but I don't know where is my bottle of water !

Mr smith: You look good in your bag ?

Ashley: Oh ! here is my bottle

Mr smith:Ok,but are you ready for the match

Ashley: yes I am ready !


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