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our school by Luca, Edouard &Khalil

jeanne d'arc 7years

1)The headmaster is Mr Dufeu.

The french teacher is Mrs Combes.

The math teatcher is Mrs Azzi.

The english teacher is Mrs Febvre.

The espagnol teacher is Mrs Reverdy.

The History and Geography's teacher is Mr Merimee.

The Biology teacher is Mrs Joly.

The music teacher is Mrs Tixier.

The physics chemistry teacher is Mr Malrieu

The Plastic art  teacher is Mrs Hauth 

The Technology teacher is Mr Miguet

The German teacher is Mrs Minon

2)The english classroom is next to the german classroom .The maths room is opposite to the german classroom. The opposite english classroom is maths room.

The biology classroom is oposite to the french classroom. The music classroom is next to history.The IT room is next to the physics chemistry classroom.






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