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our school blog by Nils ,Simon and Paul


My favourite friends are Simon and Paul.

My favourite classroom is Art room.

My favourite teachear is miss Fevbre.  


  1. My principal teacher is miss Gargallo
  2. Miss Gargallo is a French teacher.
  3. Miss Vevbre is a English teacher.
  4. Miss Baduel is a Math  teacher. 
  5. Miss Tixier is a Music teacher.  
  6. Miss Reves is a Spanish teacher.  
  7. Miss Jolly is a Biology teacher.   
  8. Miss Fournier is a Religious éducation teacher. 
  9. Miss Haut is a arts teacher. 
  10. Mr Malrieu is a Physical-education teacher. 
  11. Mr Miguer is a Technology teacher. 
  12. Mr Jault is a History teacher. 


There is a Music room a third floor.                   

                The Music room is on the left a Math room.           

There is a French room a third floor.    

                              The French room is opposite a Art room.

There is a Anglish room a first floor.                          

       The Anglish room is next to a German room.

There is a Geography room a third floor.                   

         The Geography room is opposite a Spanish room.

There is a Math room a third floor.

There is a Spanish room a third floor.

There is a Art room a third floor.

There is a Biology room a first floor.

There is a Religious Education room a first floor.

There is a Technology room a second floor.

There is a Physical room a second floor.



There is a Music room a third floor.      

Music instruments 4
Maths classroom 3

   The Music room is on the left a Math room.        There is a vidéo projecteur


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Commentaires (1)

  • 1. Laura | 23/03/2017
J aime bien mais c écrit un peu petit...

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