My school (Anais,Ines,Kenza)

Pupil 1 (Anais)

My teachers are :

- Mrs BADUEL (mathematics teacher),

- Mrs FEBVRE (English teacher),

- Mrs REVEL (music teacher),

- Mrs JOLY (SVT teacher),

- Mrs GARGALLO (french teacher),

- Mrs REVEZ (Spanish teacher),

- Mrs HAUTH (art teatcher),

- Mr MIGUET (technology teatcher),

- Mr MALRIEU (physic teatcher),

- Mr JAULT (history and geography teacher),

- Mr GRAF (sports teacher).

Mrs BADUEL, Mrs REVEL, Mrs REVEZ and Mrs FEBVRE have got glasses.

The headmaster name is  Xavier DUFEU. He has got glasses and grey hair.  He is nice.

My friends are Solène and Kenza, they are eleven years old :

- Solène is blond hair, blue eyes and glasses,

-  Kenza is brown hair and brown eyes. They are beautiful and funny.

Pupil 1: Kenza


My favorite classroom is the englihs classroom.There is a blakboard ,there are posters there are windows there are three doors

there are 32 pupils , there are 34 desks .There are a videoprojector.

Pupil 2(Ines)

The english classroom is opposite the maths classroom it is upstairs on the first floor.The french classroom is on the third floor.The music room is next to the maths room upstairs on the third floor.The physics education is opposite the I.T room upstairs on the second floor.The history room is opposite the spanish room.


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Commentaires (1)

  • 1. Margot | 06/04/2017
C'est trop beau !!

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