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kalvin sandro diego

diego: the maths room



the maths room is on first floor 

My maths teacher is mrs Azzi 

there is a video projector , a blackboard, a desck, a cupucter, chairs and IWB 

and in the classe room we are thirty pupils  










Maths room 2

kalvin: the english room

the english room is on first floor 

my english teacher is mrs febvre 

there are a blackboard  a videoprojector, posters and a  desk and chairs

and in the classroom there are thrity pupils

Copie 0 english classroom 9 3

sandro the frensh room

the frensh room on third floor

my frensh theacher is mrs combes

there is a desk, a poster, chairs, a interactif witheboard

and there is thirsty pupils

The french classroom

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