"The lost island"

Philippine Grosjean, Charlotte Glandier et Jeanne Poussou


15th June:My name is Jame Wlatt. I am somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday, my ship sank in the sea because there were storms and rocks in the Ocean since that day.

I haven't had a cabin to sleep in. I haven't had food and fresh water pool. I am on the desert island.I have named the island " The lost island". I have visited the island but I have never seen anyone.



16th June:

This night, I didn't sleep because there were storms and the ocean was horrible. I have found fruits but I haven't found a fresh water pool. I am worried because I don't know if there are any people on the island. 



17th June:

Now, I have fished to eat and I have found a fresh water pool. On the desert island, there are snakes and scorpions. The sea is quiet and beautiful but it is dangerous.



18th June:

I have built a fire because it was cold. I have survived since for days on this desert island. I have explored the island to discover new fruits and animals. I haven't heard from anyone. I have missed my family. I am sad. I am lonely in the desert island.



                                                                                        Please, help me! SOS! 

                                                                     Images 3


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