The tooth of the dead






We were on the plane for Brazil, when our plane became uncontrallable and it ram agroundon the sea. We were the only survivors, we managed to swim back to an island.









1st day:  When we discovered the island, we started to built a fire. Ranya found a cave to sleep in. When, Justine decided to look for food. Ranya managed to caught mango, Justine found a coconut.





2nd day: Since then the life has been horrible. We have decided to go to the forest to try to find foot. We have seen a cobra. Justine rilled him with her stick. In the evening, we ate the snake. YURK! It wasn't good, but we were hungry.





3rd day: We haven't heard from anyone for two days. Ranya has been sick. Justine has found bananas and coconuts. We can't live on like that. We have been to the beach to find crabs. Justine, has walked on a shark tooth. It's very sharp and it hurts! We were scared when Ranya saw a shark fin in the sea.

4th day: Life on the island has been awful. We have been in danger. We feel sad and lonely. We haven't seen our family for a long time.


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