I'm lost HELP ME!!!

4th November 2012 we think...

 We have been shipwreked for three months. On the 4th of August it was our birthday and we were on a ship with our friends. Everything was great until a storm started to hit our ship and it sank...  

Emily and I swam right up to this island.

Now we have been on this island for a few days. We have named it "Dolphin's fire" to represent the dolphins under the sunset...  Résultat de recherche d'images pour "dauphin sous le soleil couchant"

So, we have built a fire and a house with tree branches and leaves. We have survived on coconuts, fish and snakes. It's awful!SerpentRésultat de recherche d'images pour "coconuts"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "fish"

Last night, we were so tired and we went to sleep on the beach. Under the stars! During the night we heard a noice. We woke up and we saw our house it was wrecked ! We were surprised, angry and worried... What happened?  Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cabane détruite"

We are trying again to be courageous but it is dificult. We are tired. We are fed up. We can't stand it anymore. 

We are arguing more and more, we thought we were the best friends in the world. What is going on?

And where are our friends? Are they dead? We don't know... From the beginning, we haven't heard from anyone...         Image associée

We are so lonely. We don't want die here. 

             HELP US!!!!!Résultat de recherche d'images pour "message in a bottle"


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