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The tennis practise

The tennis practise by Clément L,Charles , Maxime, Victor

Mr.Maxime : Hello boys! I'm your  tennis coach. Today it's our first tennis practise.   I see everybody has got his shorts, his trainers and  his racket. Perfect! Let's go!

Cours de tennis 1

Mr.Maxime : I want you to practise the serve.Victor, can you remember the rules?

Victor : Yes Sir, we must serve behind the baseline.We must put the ball on the opposite service box.When the ball touch the net there is "LET" and we can serve  an other ball.A ball who touch a line of the service box is good. When we serve we mustn't put a foot on the baseline. There is an "ACE" when  our serve can't be touch by the other player.

Mr.Maxime : Very good Victor, let's try! Take your rackets.

Charlie :  Sir, I can't find my racket. Where is it???

Clem : Charlie, Maybe  it is in your mother's car?

Charlie: I find it !  it's in my tennis bag!

Mr. Maxime : OK! Let's try! Take tennis balls.

(Bruits de balles)


Charlie : I can't serve! I often put the tennis ball in the net!

Mr.Maxime :Charlie , you always must throw the ball above you and hit it.

Charlie : Thank you sir, I try. oh!!! an ACE!!!!!!


Clem : it's easy the tennis !

Mr.Maxime:No, it's difficult Clem .


(Bong!Charlie se tape la tête en servant)




Charlie: Oh my head!

Mr Maxime: What's wrong?

Charlie: I hit my head with my racket!

Victor: Ah Ah Ah !!!Put a helmet!

Mr Maxime: Victor,it's not funny!Stop it!Tennis is sometimes dangerous...

Victor:Sorry,how are you Charlie? Must we call an ambulance?

Charlie:No, I'm fine thank you...


Mr.Maxime: Now let's take a break!You can drink and eat

Clem: Can I eat a sandwich?

Mr.Maxime: No, you can't

Victor: Can I drink soda?

Mr Maxime: No, you must never drink soda or never eat a sandwich for a practise!You must just drink water or fruit juice!but you can eat cereal bars,apples,oranges,bananas...


Mr. Maxime : Ok lads! Your serves are perfect now.What about a match?

Clem,Charlie,Victor:OOOOOOh yes Sir!!!!!


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Commentaires (2)

sarah peytavi
  • 1. sarah peytavi | 31/05/2018
c'est bien mais le texte est trop petit!!
timothe beckaert
  • 2. timothe beckaert | 31/05/2018
très joli très complet 20:20

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