The football practise
By : Gauthier, Mao Tai, Emilie and Lily Mary 6°Rubis
Football practise
4 players : Hello, Sir!
Coach : Where are the other players?
4 players : They are all sick, Sir.
Coach : Okay, let's start! Today, it's football practise again. Emily ...
Emily : Yes, Sir.
Coach: Do you remember the rules?
Emily: A little bit, you mustn't take the ball.
Coach: Lily, what ball?
Lily: A tennis ball.
Coach: No, it isn't that.

Gauthier : What do we need?
Coach: You need a bottle of water and a T-shirt ...

Mao-Tai: Do we need a rugby ball?
Coach: No, we never need a rugby ball but we need a football ball.
Lily : ...and boots. When will we start?
Coach : Now, let's begin!

The game starts and the coach gives a red card.
Coach : What's wrong, Gautier?
Gauthier : It's my leg. I can't move it.
Mao-tai : We need to call an ambulance!
Lily : Emily, where is your phone?
Emily : In my bag, in the changing-room.
Mao-tai : Let's make the call!
The ambulance arrives at the stadium and takes Gauthier to the emergency.

Emily : It's half time.
Mao-tai : Where is Gauthier?
Lily : I repeat , he is in the emergency, Mao-tai.
Emily : Lily Mary, do you have a cereal bar?
Lily :Yes, I do

Coach : Children, Gauthier can't play today.
Lily : Can he play again?
coach : Yes, he can.
Mao-Tai : When?
Coach : I don't know but your parents have come.
Lily : Bye, Sir!
Mao-Tai : Goodbye, Sir.
Emily : CUL8R, Sir!
BYE ! !
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