the football game
Timothé Louise Barthélemy
Louise : Hello Mr Stiven.
Mr Stiven : Hello, my pupils. Today is football practise.
Barthélemy :Mr, I haven't got my racket.

Timothé : You don't need a racket, you are stupid.
Paul: Stop it!
Mr Stiven : You can come, please
Louise : Mr, I haven't got trainers.

Mr Stiven: You must take your sports kit. Paul remembers the rules.
Paul : In football, I must always kick the ball.
Mr Stiven : Great,and you barthélemy.

Barthélmy: In football, I must always tackle a player
Mr Stiven: No way. It's in rugby. And you Timothé.
Timothé: In football, I must always pass the ball at foot.

Mr Stiven: Super, you finish Louise
Louise: In football, I must always score in the goals.
Mr Stiven: Now, we practise.

Paul: Mr, I want to drink please.
Mr Stiven: No, you can't.
(Ball noises)

Barthélemy: Mr, I can't move my leg.
Mr Stiven: What's wrong ?
Barthélemy: No, I am fine.

Mr Stiven: Let's take break.
Timothé: I haven't got my cereal bar.
Paul: I have got two cereal bars.
Timothé: Thank you.

Louise: Can I drink fruit juice, please?
Mr Stiven: No, you can't. You can drink water.

Louise: Can I eat a sandwich?
Mr Stiven: No you can't. You can eat at halftime.
Paul: When do we pratise?
Mr Stiven: Let's go, now !

Barthélemy: Timothé pass the ball!
Timothé: Ok I can, I see you.
(ball noises)

Barthélemy: Yeah! I score in goal.
Mr Stiven: Stop it's halftime.

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