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The Football club

Angélina,Tom,Fannie,Yara and Alicia

Mr Rigaill : Hello, good afternoon ! Alicia do you remember the rules in the football ?

Alicia : Yes, one : you must dribble ...

Yara:Sorry, I'm late !

Mr Rigaill : Yara, you are always late ! Angelina, can you repeat the rules please ?

Angelina : Sorry, I don't listen !

Mr Rigaill : And you Fannie can you know the rules?

Fannie : Yes, one  :you must dribble, two : you must pass the ball with your feet and then I don't know...

Alicia : I know Mr Rigaill !

Mr Rigaill : Yes, Alicia .

Alicia : Three : you musn't push a player and four : you musn't use your hands .

Mr Rigaill : Verry good !

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Mr Rigaill : You need food : fruits, bottle of water but you musn't drink a bottle of fruit juice, a sandwich and a cereal bars before the game .

Angelina : You must take sweets?

Mr Rigaill : No, you musn't for football take sweets .


Mr Rigaill : The sports equipment : you need a T-shirt, shorts, boots and socks.

Fannie : Do we need a bag ?

Mr Rigaill : Yes !

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Mr Rigaill : Let's start !...What's wrong Angelina ? Do you want a water ?

Angelina : I don't want , thanks you !

Mr Rigaill : Ok !  Goodbye ! See you on saturday !


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