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Football practise

By Raymond,Ewan,Aimery,alexian

The coach:Hello,now lads

Now lads: hello , Bob(The coach)

The coach:today it's football practise again .

Now lads:yes super great

The coach:Do you remembers rules please ?

Peter:No,i don't.

jakes:I do sir.


The coach:Oh ,Jakes remebers the rules.

jakes:Yes , always follow the rules

pass the ball for your team

you USE your feet and 

you musnt't your hands

tackle your adversary so he falls

The coach: Ok let's play !




James: Bob I'bring my racket .

The coach :Do you need a racket? 

James: No,I don't

Peter:I want to drink and to eat.

The coach : you can drink water and eat an orange

Peter:Ok,thank you Bob.



The coach: Have you got you boots,shorts,socks and your t-shirt.

Now lads:We are in our swimsuits

The coach : Get your sport hit.

Now lads: Oh no ,we are a swim practise again.

The coach :Ok, now lads let's go! Good by

Si you on monday

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Commentaires (2)

  • 1. febvre | 15/06/2018
oui, et il y a des fautes, c'est pour cela qu'il y a eu un frein sur la note...
  • 2. sarah-peytavi | 15/06/2018
Votre blog est bien mais il manque des images, des couleurs et du texte!

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