football practise with the team

Loic,Ethan,Timoté and Mathis

Coach : Hello today it's football practise,you remember the rules ?

player Timoté : hello .  

player Ethan : Hello , coach .

player Loic : Hello , Sir .

Coach : In the football the rules are : you must follow the ball .

player Ethan : We must shoot the ball in the goals .

player Loic : We must pass the ball to our team .

player Timoté : We must take the ball the feet of the players .


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Coach : We also need the of water for the half time .

player Loic : And me I want a bottle of soda .

Coach : No you don't , you bring a bottle of water .

player Loic : Ok , coach .

player Timoté : Teacher , also we bring our sports kit .

Coach : Yes , and you must bring your Tshirt , your shorts , your socks and your boots .

dring dring 

Coach : bye bye 

player Timoté : bye bye 

player Ethan : Goodbye 

player Loic : goodbye

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Commentaires (1)

sarah peytavi
  • 1. sarah peytavi | 01/06/2018
c'est bien mais le texte est un peu court,avez vous fini!

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