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Basketball practise by Alexandre, Alban, Kristen, Benoit & Léandre.

Boys : Hi coach !

Coach : Hi boys !

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Coach : Have you got your shorts and your bottle of water ?

Lenni : Yes,I have my shorts but I don't have my bottle of water.

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Roy : I have a bottle of water for Lenni.

Lenni : Thanks Roy.

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Coach : Do you remember the rules Axel ?

Axel : Yes,sir. You must dribble to move but you musn't walk with the ball.

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Coach : Ok, so take the ball, dribble and shoot in to the basket. Nice, guys !             

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Roy : Coach can we play a game.

Coach : Yes,of course.


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Carlos : I am with Roy !

Coach : Ok,so Lenni you are with Axel.

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Coach : I'am the referee.

Coach : FUUUUUUTT !!

Carlos : pass me the ball !


Coach :Three points !

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Lenni : Alley-hoop !!

Axel : Nice pass.

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Coach : FUUUUUUTT !!

Coach : Half-time the scored is 23 to 26 for Axel and Lenni !!


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Carlos : Can I have a helmet   please ?

Coach : What ! You don't need a helmet !

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Carlos : I am just kiding !

Roy : Stop laughing, stay focus.


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Axel : Can I eat a sandwich ?

Coach : No, you can't but you can eat a banana.

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Coach : FUUUUUUTT !!

Coach : End of half-time !

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Carlos : I am alone I can scored.

Roy : Watch out behind you !!


Lenni : Nice counter Axel !

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Coach : FUUUUUUTT !!

Coach : Axel you are out !

Axel : What ? I'am not !!

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Coach : 10 seconde remaining.


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Carlos : Roy,shoot !!

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Coach : FUUUUUUTT !!

Coach : End of the game the scored is 56 to 55 for Roy and Carlos !

Roy : Buzzer beater !

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Coach : Nice practise, guys see you later !

Boys :Thanks coach !!

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Commentaires (1)

sarah peytavi
  • 1. sarah peytavi | 31/05/2018
C'est super bien!J'ai adorer la réplique: FUUUUT! LOL!

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