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Basketball practise

by Lilie, Chloé, Inès et Léna

Coach: Hello everybody ! Are you fit ?

Pupils: Yes, we  are !

Coach: Good! Today it's basketball practise again.



Résultat d’images pour tony parkjer

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hockey stick"

Emma: Oh very cool ! Can we bring a hockey stick ?

Coach: Ha ha ha !! It's very funy...

Pupils : Do you need a cereal bar,a sandwich and a bottle of   water ?

Coach : Yes !And don't forget your trainers !

Pupils : ok !!!

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "take the ball in basket"

Coach: Do you remember the rules of the game Emma ?

Emma: Heu...No!

Jules: Yes, yes, me !!

           - You must always pass the ball at players.

           - You must take the ball.

           - You must use you hands.

           - You must drible.

           - You musn't never kick the ball.

Coach: Very good Jules !


Bruit de joueurs qui jouent puis coup de sifflet.

Coach: What's wrong Louis ?

Louis: It's my arm Sir. I can't move it !

Coach: Ok, must we call the ambulance ?

Louis: Oh, yes please !

Coach: Ok !

Bruit d'une ambulance; Louis est pris en charge.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ambulance"

Coach: Ok children, it's finish ! Don't forget you Tshirt, shorts and your socks for tomorow.

Pupils: Ok coach, see you tomorow !!

11 votes. Moyenne 4.64 sur 5.

Commentaires (3)

sarah peytavi
  • 1. sarah peytavi | 31/05/2018
C'est super bien!!
Marine bonnaud
  • 2. Marine bonnaud | 28/05/2018
J’adore super les fille
Ema Sirb
  • 3. Ema Sirb | 28/05/2018
Trop COOL! J'adore! Vraiment bien!

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