The TENNIS practise by: Ann-Elen, Ema, Gaëlle et Marguerite
Pupils: Hello Mr. Stabylo.
Coach: Hello pupils, today is tennis practise.

Coach: Do you remember the rules Steven?
Steven: Yes, of course Sir. First you must hit the ball over the let.You score points and sets.
Coach: Thank you Steven. Now, follow the rules.
Shara: I haven't got my racket.
Theo: I have got my brother's racket.
Shara: Oh thank's Theo !
Coach: Now, let's try !

Theo: I can't find my Tshirt.
Peter: I have got two Tshirts.
Steven: And me I can't find my shorts.
Theo: Oh, I have got two pairs of shorts !
Peter: Sir, I forgot my socks !
Steven: I have got a second pair of socks.
Twenty minutes later...
Theo: I'm wrong Sir !
Coach: Do you want to take a break ?
Theo: Yes !
Coach: OK pupils, Theo needs to take a break !
Shara: Sir, I forgot my sandwich !
Coach: Hmpfff...Well, take a banana .
Steven: Sir, can I have some water please ?
Coach: Yes, indeed Steven. Theo, how are you ?
Theo: I'm fine, thank you Sir !
Coach: OK, we can continue .
Five minutes later...
Shara: I can't move my hand, Sir !
Coach: Must we call the doctor ?
Shara: No Sir, I'm fine .
Coach: OK team, this is the end of the practise !
Pupils: Good Bye, Mr. Stabylo !

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