A tennis lesson
bye Ninon , Clara , Alexandre , Laura

Mr Pecune : Hello, children !
The children : Good afternoon Mr.Pecune !
Mr Pecune : Ana, Kate and Ema, come on, come on.
Ana : Yes, we are coming !

Mr Pecune : Where is Ema ?
Ema : Sorry, I'm late! I can't find my bottle of water it's in my schoolbag. Can I take it ?
Mr Pecune : No, at halftime.
Ema : Ok!
Mr Pecune : Kate, remember the rules.
Kate : You use your arms and your hands.
Mr Pecune : Very good!
Kate : Thank you.
Mr Pecune : And you Ana, remember two rules.
Ana : I must hit the ball with the racket and the ball mustn't hit the net .
Mr Pecune : It's your turn Ema say two rules.
Ema : I need a tennis ball and the ball must pass over the net.
Mr Pecune : Very good, girls...

Kate : Oh Jack!
Ana and Ema : Jack Sparrow!
Mr Pecune : Stop it, girls! Leave him alone.
Jack : Hello!
Mr Pecune : Jack come to the cloackroom and put your trainers on, your shorts, your T-shirt and your cap.
Jack : Ok!

Mr Pecune : The girls have five runs around the court.
The girls : Ok, sir.
(Three minutes later)
Mr Pecune : Let's take a break!
The children : Ok! Mr pecune

Mr Pecune : Go and get your sports bag.
Ana : And my sandwich?
Jack : I have forgotten my bottle of soda.
Mr Pecune : Kate go and get your picnic.
Kate : Ok, sir.

Ana, Kate, Ema and Jack : Can we eat?
Mr Pecune: Yes you can children.
Jack : Ema, have you got an hamburger?
Ema : No I haven't, sorry Jack.

Ana : Kate, have you got biscuits?
Kate : No I haven't, but I have got a banana!
Ana : Thank you, Kate!
Ema : Sir, Do you need a cereal bar?
Mr Pecune : No I don't, thank you.
Kate : Ana, Do you sometimes eat oranges?
Ana : Yes I do!
Jack : Mr Pecune, I haven't my picnic.
Mr Pecune : Jack you must bring your picnic everytime.
Jack : I know but I always forget it.
Mr Pecune : Ok, I phone your parents.
Jack : Thank you sir!
(Five minutes later...)
Mr Pecune : Jack, take your picnic.
Jack : Thank you.

Mr Pecune : Oh! Children go to the cloackroom you have got ten minutes.
The children : Ok.
(ten minutes later)
Mr Pecune : Good bye children.
Children : Thank you Mr.Pecune, good bye.

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