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The pyjama party Noa et Anna

Anna : Hi, Noa

Noa : Hi, Anna 

Anna : What about a pyjama  party ?

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Noa : yes 

Noa: come the 17/03/18 to my home 

Anna :I am free this day . I want to come ! 

Noa : bring your a duvet and your teddy bear 

Anna : ok ,  I  bring soda ; do you have something to eat ? 

Noa : let's make a popcorn 

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Anna : can we do magic tricks in the living room ?

Noa : no , we can't

Anna : can we eat a hamburger in the kitchen ? 

Noa : yes, we can 



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Noa : can we have a make up game in the bathroom ?

Anna : no , we can't because I don't want to !


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Noa : what about dance in the living room ? 

Anna : yes , it's cool! I like dancing ! let's dance !



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Anna: can we play basketbal in the garden ?

Noa : yes , we can 

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Noa :  see you later 

Anna : ok , goodbye !

Noa : good bye Anna!

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