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the party,by marguerite& angelina



Marguerite:What about a pyjama party?

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Angelina: No,I can't have a pyjama party. What about a pillow fight?

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Marguerite:No, let's have a barbecue party!

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Angelina: No,what about a halloween party?

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Marguerite:Yes,when is the Halloween party?

Angelina:On the Saturday thirty-first October from 4:00pm to 1:00am,in my house.


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Marguerite:Ok, can I bring sweets?



Angelina:Yes, you can.Don't forget a scary costume.


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Let's have a make up game!




Let's dance in the bedroom!

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Marguerite:Yes,can we do magic tricks?

Angelina:Yes we can do magic tricks in the living room.

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Marguerite:Can we sing in the garden?

Angelina:Sorry we can't sing.



Let's make a cake in the kitchen!

Marguerite:Yes super!

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Angelina:Don't be late and bring your sister!



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