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The chat by Sacha & Lucas

SACHA: Hi, Lucas!

LUCAS: Hi, Sacha!

SACHA: Can you come to my party?

LUCAS: What is the type of this party?

SACHA: Mhh... I don't know...

LUCAS: What about a halloween party?


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LUCAS: And let's eat sweets in the garden!

SACHA: Yes ! Very good idea!

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SACHA: Can you come?

LUCAS: Yes! And what about a scary costume?

SACHA: Okey, fantastic!


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SACHA: And don't forget the sweets!

LUCAS: Can we play the guitar?

SACHA: Okey!

LUCAS: And can we do magic tricks?

SACHA: Oh , okey!

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LUCAS: What is the date?

SACHA:It is on the thirty-one of October!

LUCAS: And what time?

SACHA: It starts at 6 pm.

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LUCAS: Okey! Bye Sacha! And thank you for your invitation!            SACHA: Bye, Lucas!

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