The pyjama party by Ninon and Laura

Laura: Hi Ninon!It's Laura!

Ninon: Hello Laura!


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Laura:What about a Halloween Party!

Ninon:No I don't like Haloween Party! I prefer pyjama party!

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Laura: Oh yes,I can bring sweets and the popcorn!

Ninon: Yes, we can have it on Saturday the thirtieth of october in my home. It is from six p.m to ten a.m


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Laura: Yes can I sing karaoke in the living-room?

Ninon: Yes,but we can sing karaoke in my balcony.

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Laura: Yes it's great!We can do magic tricks in the attic.

Ninon: Yes, great idea! We can play football in the bathroom.

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Laura: But,no we can play in the garden and play video games!

Ninon: It's fun! And also we can have a pillow fight and eat  hamburgers and drink coke.

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Laura: I can watch TV and listen to music in the bedroom.

Ninon: Yes, we can dance in the dining-room.

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Laura: Good bye Ninon, KISS**


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