Birthday party by Maxime and Victor

Birthday Party

Maxime : Hi Victor !

Victor : Hello Maxime !


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Maxime : It's your birthday today ! Happy Birthday Victor !

Victor : Yes, it is. Thank you.


Giphy 1

Victor : What about a pyjama party on Saturday in my house from 6 pm to 10 am? My mother is ok !

Maxime : Yes it's a good idea !



Victor : Let's have a cake in the kitchen ! 


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Maxime : Yes and what about a pillow fight ?

Victor : Great ! Let's have a pillow fight in my bedroom ! 


Pillow fight

Maxime : What about a karaoke in the living-room ?

Victor : No, we can't. Let's play a video game and you can bring your favorite game !

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Maxime : I can bring my PS4.


Résultat d’images pour Ps4 gamer

Victor : Super ! Bring your slippers, your pyjamas and your duvet, but don't bring sweets because I can't eat them.

Maxime : Ok ! 

Illustration des garc ons ayant la soire e pyjamas de pyjama 49762704

Maxime : See you later.

Victor : Goodbye, don't be late saturday !


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Commentaires (1)

timothé beckaert
  • 1. timothé beckaert | 15/03/2018
C'est bien, mais mettez des couleurs sur le texte.

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