A pyjama party by Mila & Baptiste

Baptiste : Hello Mila !

Mila : Hello Baptiste !


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Baptiste : What about a barbecue party ? 

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Mila :No sorry, a pyjama party !

Baptiste : Oh yes ! 

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Mila : Great ! The pyjama party starts at 5 o'clock p.m ! In my home the Sunday 25th March !

Baptiste : OK 

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Baptiste : Let's have a pillow - fight ! 

Mila : Good idea ! 

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Mila : What about make a cake ?

Baptiste : Yes !

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Baptiste : Can we have a magic tricks in the living-room ?

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Mila : No but can have in my bedroom ! 

Baptiste : OK, great ! 

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Mila : But my Mother can't have a karaoke ! 

Baptiste : Dommage !  I like sing !

Mila : I know ! 

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Baptiste : Let's have a pique-nique in the garden !

Mila : Yes ! I make hamburgers and sausage, and you bring a apple juice and wather. 

Baptiste : OK !

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Mila : Great ! 

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Mila : Don't forget your slippers, pyjama, duvet and your teddy Bear !

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Baptiste : Yes but I can bring a DVD ?

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Mila : Ho yes ! We watch on the TV !

Baptiste : Great ! 

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Mila : GREAT ! 

Baptiste : Yes !

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Mila : Good bye !

Baptiste : Bye ! And thank you !

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Commentaires (1)

Ema Sirb
  • 1. Ema Sirb | 19/03/2018
C'EST GENIAL!!! Vraiment bravo. Il y a des petites fautes d'articles mais sinon c'est super!(j'aime bien l'image "karaoke")

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