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our school


                                       JEANNE D 'ARC MIDDLE SCHOOL                                 


Our middle school is a fun school ,that is in Carcasonne and near rue Victor Ugo in  the city.

In our class  we have got a time table with 11 teachers so 11 classrooms . In our middle school there are three floors and a ground floor who is the gimnasium(the Mrs Paunet 's room)

On ground floor there are:

the I.T room (the C.D.I.) with Mrs Rabaut

the supervisor's office who is Mr Bourel.

the medical room and the canteen


the canteen

On the first floor there are :


Our favorite classroom :this is the classroom of Mrs Fevre our english teacher.

In her classroom there are a lot of posters about London .She is a  fun teacher.

Her classroom  is near of Germanroom, opposite of  maths room.

OUR second English teacher is  Mr  Julien and our biology teacher is  Mrs Joly.

English classroom 1
English classroom 6 1
Papier peint les icones sur un theme de l39angleterre grand

On second floor there are :

Our chemistry teacher is Mr Malrieu and our technology teacher is Mr Miguet.

And on  third floor there are:

Our french teacher is Mrs Gargallo

Our maths teacher is Mrs Baduel

Our music teacher is Mrs Simore

Our History teacher is Mr jault

And our art teacher is Mrs Haut



middle school of Jeanne d 'Arc

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