My shcool by Tom & Lucas

Jeane D'arc

Hello I am Tom and my friend is Lucas.

The classroom:

The English Teacher  is Mrs Febvre.

The French Teacher is Mrs Bornegesser.

The  Musics Teacher is Mrs Simon.

The  Technology Teacher is Mr Miguer.

The  Spanish Teacher is Mrs Gianesinie.

The  Physics and Chemestry Teacher  is Mr Malrieu.

The  Art Teacher is Mrs Cirera.

The  History and Geography Teacher  is Mr Colson.

The  Physical Education Teacher is Mrs Paunet and Mr Pecune.

The  Sciences Teacher is Mrs Joly.

The Library Teacher is Mrs Rabault.

The Mathematics Teacher is Mrs Azzi.

The classroom:

The English classroom  is on the first floor opposite the Mathematics classroom.

The Sciences classroom is on the first floor near the Latin classroom.

The Art classroom  is on the third floor near the History and  Geography classroom.

The  French classroom is on  the second floor.English classroom 6 1

The Music classroom is on the third floor near the Mathematics classroom. 

The History Geography classroom is on the third floor near the Art classroom.

The Physics and chemistry classroom  is on the second floor.

The Spanish classroom is on the third floor opposite the History  and Geography classroom.History and geography room

The Technology classroom is on the second floor near the French classroom.

The Library classroom is on the ground floor near the Canteen.

The Mathematics classroom is on the first floor opposite English classroom.

The ground floor:

There are many lockers there is also school life but also the C.D.I  and  canteen.The cloister 2

The first floor:

There is the office of Mrs Vaissiere also the conta and the office of Mr Dufeu.Headmaster's office

Our favorite room:

There are eighteen scooter bike computers a table there are cupboards all that are needed.

My friend :

Alexendre, Lucas, Clément,killian,Enzo...















2 votes. Moyenne 5.00 sur 5.

Commentaires (6)

  • 1. enzo_ardouin | 01/02/2018
c est super mais il faut plus de couleur.
  • 2. Marguerite | 01/02/2018
C'est bien mais les image sont trop grande puis pas trop de texte.
  • 3. Clara | 31/01/2018
Super mais dommage il ny a pas assez de couleurs vers le haut là ou vous presentez les profs
timothé beckaert
  • 4. timothé beckaert | 31/01/2018
C'est super: les couleurs, le texte...
  • 5. killian-de-hauteclocque | 31/01/2018
le haut
  • 6. killian-de-hautecloque | 31/01/2018
j adore et ses les couleur de l angleterre

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