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my scool Sarah&Marnie

My middleschool is Jeanne D'arc.

It is in Carcassonne,in rue Victor Hugo.



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French room



Mrs Gargallo is our French teacher.

Our French room is on the third floor, next to the history and géography room.There are chairs,tables,a blackboard and a cupboard.There is not a vidéoprojector.



The french room

History and Géography room.

Mr Jault is our History and Géography teacher.

Our History and Géography room is on the third floor,near the French room and in front of the Spanish room.There are chairs, tables,whiteboard and a clook.There is not an IWB.

History and geography room

Mathématics room

Mrs Baduel is our Maths teacher. 

our mathématics room is on the third floor between the history and géography room and the music room.There are a chairs, tables and an IWB.There is not a blackboard

Maths classroom

Arts room

Mrs Hauth is our art teacher.

Our arts room is on the third floor between the Spanish room and the history and géography room.There are colour pencils, felt pens,tables and chairs.There is not an IWB.

Felt tips in art classroom 1

Music room

Mrs Simorre is our Music teacher.

Our music room is on the third floor near the mathématics room.There are lots of musical instrument.There is a whiteboard.There are not chairs, tables but there is bendes.

Music room

Physics-chemistry room

Mr Malrieu is our Physics and chemistry teacher.

Our Physics-chemistry is on the second floor opposite the Techonology room.There is a blackboard, a cupboard, a tap.There are a windows, tables and the chairs.There is not a clock.

Thechnology room

Mr Miguet is our Design technology teacher.

Our technology room is on the second floor opposite the physics-chemistry room.There are lots of computers,vidéoprojector, a whiteboard.There is not benches.

In the ict room

SVT room

Mrs Joly is our Biologie teacher.

Our biology room is on the first floor  near the french room.There is fossil.There are chairs,tables.There is not stairs.

Anglais room

Mrs Febvre is our English teacher.

Our English room is on the first floor near the German room and in front of the mathématics room.There are maps,posters,chairs and tables.There is a cupboard.There is not an IWB.

Copie 0 english classroom 3 4

EPS room.

Mrs Paunet is our  Physical Education teacher.

Our Physical education room is under the canteen.There is a whiteboard.There is   not chairs,tables,benches.


ITC room

Our ITC room is on the second floor opposite the French room.There are lots of computers.there is a vidéoprojector.There are desk and chairs.There is not a IWB.

Ict room


We have got a canteen near a CDI.There are a tables,chairs,a posters, and too refrigeretor.There is a computer.There is not a board.

The school canteen


We have got a Lybrary next to the canteen.There are lots of the books, a cupboard and too computers.There is not a board.

At the school library 6

Headmaster's office

Mr Dufeu is our  headmaster.

The headmaster's office is on the first floor next to the teacher's room.

Our room favourite

Our room favourite his English room.There are a posters and maps on the walls.There are tables and chairs.There is a cupnoard at the bottom of room.There is a blackboard, vidéoprojector, desk and computer.There is not a IWB

Thank you for watching our blog!


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Commentaires (1)

  • 1. millie-canals (site web) | 31/01/2018
Je trouve sa bien sauf que ca manque de texte

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