My school by Clement D and Enzo
My teachers
Our class is year 7 Amber
I am Enzo and my frend is Clement.
Our school is jeanne d'Arc.
I am 11 years old and my frend is 10 years old.
My English teacher is Mrs Febvre.
My French teacher is Mrs Borngesser.
My mathematics teacher is Mrs Azzy.
My spanish teacher is Mrs Gianesini.
My geography teacher is Mr Colson.
My art teacher is Mrs cirera.
My religious studies is Mrs Boudouresque.
My music teacher is Mrs Simmore.
My siences teacher is Mrs Joly.
My desingn technology teacher is Mr Miguet.
My phisical education teachers are Mrs Ponet and Mr Pecune.
class placement
The English classroom is first on floor. It is near the germany classroom. The mathematics classroom is on first floor. It is opposite the English classroom. The it classroom is on second floor. It is opposite the study classroom. the french classroom is on first floor. It is next to the English classroom. The spanish classroom is on third floor. It is opposite geography classroom. The music classroom is on third floor. It is next to the mathematics classroom. The Art classroom is on third floor. It is next to the geography classroom.
My favorite classroom
My favourite classroom is the English classroom. In the English classroom there is a videoprojector, computer, blackboard, cupboard, door. In the English classroom, there are posters, chairs, tables, widows, maps.
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