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my school by tom &nyls

my teachers and mY FRIEND

TWe are in 6° Diamant ( year 7) at Jeanne D'Arc school.

My French teacher is Mrs Muchenbled.

My history teacher is mr Jaut.

My English teacher is mrs Febvre. 

My mathematics teacher is miss Baduel.

My Art teacher is mrs Ciréra.

My religious subject teacher is mrs Boudouresque.

My physics chemistery teacher is mr Malrieu.

My  biology teacher is mrs Joly.

My  physical education is mrs Paunet.

My technology teacher is mr Miguet

My music teacher is mrs Simorre.








The maths room is on the third floor near the music room .

Maths classroom
Physics classroom door 3

the physics and chemistry is on the first floor in a little corridor .


the music room is on the third floor near the art room .

Music instruments 4
Art classroom 2

The art room is on the third floor near the history room .

The English room in on the first floor in front of the maths room 

An english lesson 1
The french room

The french room is on the second floor opposite science lab 

The  biology room is on the first floor opposite the french room .

Biology classroom door
History and geography room

The history and géography is on the third floor near the stairs

our favourite classroom

 Our favorite classroom is the 


It's a big room ,there are stairs 

there are cuploards,withballs

there is a laun -tennis game 


4 votes. Moyenne 4.75 sur 5.

Commentaires (1)

  • 1. thomas-villemur | 31/01/2018
super beau voir même magnifique bravo Tom et nyls mais je trouve que vout auriez du mettre un peut de couleur

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