my school, by Maxence & Korantin

our teachers

My English teacher is Mrs Febvre

My French teacher is Mrs Gargallo

My Maths teacher is Mtrs Baduel

My physics and chemistry teacher is Mr Malrieu

My biology teacher is Mrs Joly

My Physical education teacher is Mrs Paunet

My music teacher is Mrs Simorrers

My arts teacher is Mrs Haut

My Headmaster is Mr Dufeu and my Headmistress is M Vaisiere

location of the rooms

Maths room 2

there is a math classroom. The math classroom is between music classroom and history geography the math classroom is upstairs third floor

my favorite is the math classroom

Physics classroom door 2

there is a physic and chemistry room  next to of the biology room she is second floor 

English classroom 1

tthere is an English room the Engnlish room is nex to of the German room the English room is opposite a the math room theEnglish room is upstair fird floor

there is an Art room between the History is Geography and Espagnol she is upstair third floor  

The art rooom 1

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "gymnase"

there is a physical education ground floor


there is a biologi room it is on the first floor

there is a technolochy room she is nex to the stairs upstair seconde floor

Second floor's stairs

there is  a library she is nex to of the cantinne she is ground floor  

Headmaster's office

My Headmaster is Mr Dufeu and my Headmistress is M Vaisiere

there is a music room she is nex to of the math room she is third floor

there is a french room next to of the

history, geography and E.C.M classroom


French classroom

my favorit class is the physic and chimie classroom there is of chair there is of office

The middle school is in Carcassonne.

There are three floors and the ground floor.

Colle ge jeanne d arc carcassonne 1

In the ground floor, there are the life school and library.

In the first floor, there are the first english classroom, the second english classroom, the third english classroom, the ICT classroom and the math classroom.

In the second floor, there are a technology classroom and the ICT classroom

In the third floor, there are the french classroom, the history and geography classroom, the math classroom, the art classroom and the music classroom

Ict room 3

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