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My School by Lydia

My Teachers


a- Mrs Febvre is my English teacher .

b- Mrs Baduel is my Mathematics teacher .

c- Mrs Gargallo is my French teacher .

d- Mrs Simorre is my music teacher .

e- Mrs Joly is my biology teacher .

f- Mr Jault is my History and  Geography .hy teacher .

g- Mr Miguet is my technolgy teacher .

h- Mr Malrieu is my physics and chimistrey teacher .

i- Mrs Hauth is my Art teacher .

j- Mrs Paunet is my Physicals Education teacher . 

my classroom


a-The English room is on the first floor .

b-The Mathematics room is on the third floor .

c-The music room is on the third floor next to the Mathematics room .

d-The French room is on the third floor .

e- The Biology room is on the second floor .

f-The History and Geography room is on the third floor .

g-The technology room is on the second floor .

h-The physics and chemistrey room is on the second floor .

i-The Art room is on the third floor .

j-The Physicals Education  gymnasium

My favorite classroom

My favorite classroom is a English room :


There are posters and cards .There is an English flag . There are windows ,tables and chairs . There is a desk and a blackboard . There is a videoprojecteur and a computer .


English classroom 3 1

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