My school by Lucie & Elodie

The teacher.

The Headmaster is mister Duffeu.

The English teacher is mrs Febre.

The Maths teacher is mrs Baduel.

T?he French teacher is mrs Gargallo.

The Biology teacher is mrs Joly.

The history Geography teacher is mister Jault.

The Technology teacher is mister Miguet.

The Arts teacher is mrs Hauth.

The Music teacher is mrs Simorre.

The Physical education teacher is mrs Paunet.

The Physical chemistry teacher is mister Malerieu.

The classroom

There is Maths room in upstairs on the third floor.It is between the Arts room and the Music room.

Maths classroom

There is French room is ustairs on the third floor.It is near the History and Geography,behind the Arts room.

The french room

There is Biology is upstairs on the third floor.It is near the French.

Biology classroom door

There is History and Geography room is upstairs on the third floor.It is between the French room and the stairs.

History and geography room

There is the Music room is upstairs on the third floor.It is near the Maths room.

Music instruments 4

There is the Technology room is upstairs on the second floor.It is in frond of the Biology.

Ict room 3

There is the Library is the ground floor.It is near the Canteen.

At the school library 5

There is the Physical education room dowstairs.It is in the play ground.

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There is the physical chemistry room upstairs on the second floor.It is near stairs.

Physics classroom door 2

There is the Canteen is ground floor.It is near the library.

The school canteen

There is English room is upstairs on the first floor.It is opposite the Maths room ,near the German room.

There is a headmaster's office upstairs on the first floor.It is near stairs,opposite the English room.

Headmistress office 1

There is Arts room is upstairs on the third floor.It is opposite the History and Geography,near the Maths.

first our room favorite

Our room favorite is the french room.There are 30 chairs and 30 tables there is also 1 desk.There is a cupboard is in there is our copybooks there are lots of posters.There isen't IWB.There are 4 windows there are too 2 doors.

second our room favorite

Our favorite room is the Maths room.There are tables and chairs.There is also an I.W.B the cupboard is opposite to windows.The desk is near I.W.B.In the desk there are calculators and pencils.The room Maths is on the third floor next to the music room.There are also two windows and two doors.

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  • 1. millie-canals (site web) | 01/02/2018

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