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My school,by Chloé & Inès

Our teachers :

Mrs.Febvre is our english teacher

Mrs.Azzi is my mathematics teacher

Mr.Jault is our history and geography teacher

Mrs.Borgnesser is our french teacher

Our teacher physical education is mr.Graf

Mrs.Simorre is our music teacher

Mrs. Reverdy is our spanish teacher

Mrs.Joly is my Sciences Biology teacher

Our teacher art is mrs.Haut 

Mr.Miguet is our technology teacher

Mr.Malerieu is our my physics chemistry teacher

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Where are the classrooms ?

My english room :

My english room is on the first floor and opposite the maths room ( mr.Tortas).

There are thirty-six tables and thirty-five chairs.

There are also a blackboard, a videoprojector, a computer.

There are three windows and two doors.

My maths room :

My mathematics room is on the first floor and opposite the english room (mr.Julien).

There are thirty-five tables and thirty-three chairs, one desk, one videprojector, a whiteboard and a computer.

Our music room :

My music room is on the third floor next to the maths room (mrs.Baduel).

There are twelve seats,two chairs, instruments musicals and six speakers.

There are also a videoprojector, a witheboard and a computer.

It is upstairs the phisics-chemistry room.

My history-géography room :

My history-géography room is on the third floor opposite the spanish room.

There are posters and maps on the wall and a cupboard.


Our art room :

The art room is between the spanish room and the history-géography room(mr.Colson) and opposite a french room (mrs.Gargallo).

My french room :

My french room is on the second floor and next too the study room.

I like conjugation.

Our technology room :

My technology room is on the second floor near the physics chemistry room.

There are eighteen tables, thirty-floor chairs and sixteen computers, sixteen stools and one desk.

There is the teacher's computer too.

There are a videoprojector, a whiteboard, two windows, two doors and three cupboards.

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My biology room :

My biology room is on the first floor and opposite the french room (mrs.Munchembled).

There are four cupboards blue, a videoprojector, a whiteboard and the blackboard, stuffed animals and two sinks.

There are also twenty-four tables and thirty-eight stools.

My phisical education room :

My phisical education room is on the basement and under the cantee.

My sporting favorite are gymnastic and circus art.

My friend :

My friend is Chloé Satgé.

Her long hairs are brown.

Chloé love the cats.


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My friend

My friend is Inès Télèse.

Her long hair is brown.

Inès love dogs.


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My favourite class :

My favourite class is spanish room.

It is on the third floor opposite the history geography room .

On my spanish room there is an IWB .It's fun .

There is posters and a black board ,my teacher is mrs Reverdy.

There are also a videoprojector.

The library :

There are the books, a whiteboard, a videoprojector, chairs, tables.



The canteen :

On our canteen there are tables, chairs ,trays and dishes.

There are also towels, glasses, plates, fork, knife and spoon.

The stairs :

On the shcool, there are three stairs.

The cloister :

On the cloister there are lockers with padloks.

The sudent services office :

The student services office serves to solve problems.

13 votes. Moyenne 4.77 sur 5.

Commentaires (2)

  • 1. nathan-faure | 23/01/2018
Vous êtes trop forte !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2. nathan-faure | 23/01/2018
Trop bien

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