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Our school by Alban & Leandre

Our school is Jeanne D'Arc


Our school is in Carcassonne , the school is in the street Victor Hugo.

Our friends are Alexandre  and Kristen 



First Part:


Presentation of our teachers:


English: Mrs Febvre  classroom number -108

French: Mrs Gargallo classroom number - 302

Mathematics: Mrs Baduel classroom number - 306

History and Geography: Mr Jault classroom number - 301

Art: Mrs Haut classroom number - 304

Music: Mrs Simore classroom number - 307 

Technology: Mr Miguet

Biology: Mrs Joly

Physical Education:Mrs Paunet 

Second English: Mrs Julien

CDI/Library: Mrs Hault


Middle school Jeanne d'Arc Head Master is : Mrs Dufeux



Second part :

 Presentation of the Classrooms

Presentation French classroom

There is a French classroom on the third floor.

It is near a classroom of History & Geography.

In the classroom there are posters and windows, but there is no videoprojector

Presentation Mathematics classroom

There is Mathematics classroom on the third floor.

It is between a Music classroom and a History & Geography classroom.

In the classroom there are a IWB and a cupboard.

Prentation History and Geography classroom

The History & Geography classroom is on the third floor.

The classroom is between a strair and a French classroom.

Presentation Technologie classroom

There is a Technology classroom on the second floor .

The classroom is near a stair.

In the classroom there are a computer and a


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "salle de technologie"

Presention music classroom

There is a Music classroom on the third floor .

In the classroom there are musics instruments.

It is near a Mathematics classroom.



Music rooom

Presentation art classroom

There is a Art classroom on the third floor.

In the classroom there is a felt pen.

It is near a History & Geography classroom.

Presentation Biology classroom

There is a Biology classroom on the first floor.

It is near a French classroom and a stair.

In the classroom there are bones of animals .

Presentation English classroom

There is an English classroom on the first floor. 

It is near a Mathematics classroom and a second English room.

In the classroom there are a videoprojector and posters .

Presentation Physical Education

There is a Physical Education under the canteen.

In the gymnasium there are a table tennis and fitness mats .

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "salle de pingpong"

Presentation CDI

There is a CDI room near the canteen.

In the room there are a library and an IT room.

At the school library 5 1

Presentation Canteen

There is a canteen on the ground floor .


The school canteen

Alban's favorite classroom

My favorite classroom in English because there is:

a videoprojector and there are a posters and there is a black board 

but there isen't a IWB.

Leandre's favorite classroom

My favorite classroom is french because there is  a black board 

posters desk and a classroom is bright 

but there isen't a videoprojector 

The end


thank you for watching blog until the end


                                                                         The end 

2 votes. Moyenne 4.50 sur 5.

Commentaires (1)

  • 1. millie-canals (site web) | 01/02/2018
c'est dommage il n'y a pas assez de couleuurs

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