Stuck on a desert island. By Olivia and Brune.
Hey, I'm Emily and I'm currently stuck on a desert island. My friends and I were sailing somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
We were bird watching when suddenly the sky got darker, we thought it would just be here little storm but it turned out otherwise. We were very scared! I thought my life was coming to an end.

The ship sank along with my friends. I was alone.
It was the thirteenth of July. I woke up on an island, I didn't know where I was, I couldn't see anyone. I had a few scratches and bruises here and there, but I was fine.
It's been a week since I've been stranded here. I still haven't heard from anyone, though, today the sun was shining so I decided to pick some fruit.
On my way over to the fruit trees that I'd spotted when I first arrived here, I walked by some beautiful horses. They were free in the wild and had all that space to themselves!

Once I got to the trees, I started picking them and putting them into the basket that I made with branches and leaves.
A little later, I felt something on my foot, I looked down and saw a snake. I got such a fright! I've always been told to stay still around one so that's what I did. Time passed and it still stayed at my feet, I was getting really scared until it finally decided to leave. I was so relieved!
It's the third of august, I woke up and went towards the shore. Arrived there, I saw something on the sea.
It looked a little like a fishing boat. I felt so happy for a split second until I realised it wasn't. I couldn't quite picture out what it was but it wasn't anything that could help me get off of here.
Maybe one day it will be, someone might come save me...
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