a life of survivor by Arthur and Mathis

     23th APRIL:

Yesterday, I was with my friends Mathis, on my boat , somewhere in the Indian Ocean, for finished us round of the world. Suddendly, there was a storm  and the boat sank.



We swam for a very long time. It was very exhausting. 


Wreck 2057353 1920

Today, we have begun to explore the island

Rocky beach 1966369 1921

     26th APRIL:

We have  walked for three days. We have found a forest and we have begun to cut wood for the cabin.

Arthur hes been very tired and wanted to sleep.

He has said:

"We have eaten nothing for three days. It's enough !"

And he hasn fallen asleep.

Nature 1367679 1920

         27th April

Today, Mathis have find fruits and fresh water . I have been euphoric and I have eaten a lot of this.

It has been so good.

I have helped Mathis to continue the cabin.

On the afternoon, I've seen a snake on my leg !

I 've shout and thrown and hilled it. We have eaten it meat for the diner.



          29th April

We've been on the island for 1 week. Today we have finished our cabin and We have heared noises of savages animals.

I have been worried.

At noon, we've found a box with food, and two flare guns.       

Box 1465367 1920

         30th April

This morning, Mathis heard footstep's noises, so he has went out and he has come face to face with a tiger.

He has shouted so loud, he has waken me up.

I have taken the flare gun and I've shoot the tiger.

Mathis has been very surprised, and thankful.

Tiger 1342385 1920

      1st May

This morning, the trees have burned. When we saw the fire, we disassembled the cabin and we left for away.

Then, we came back and there was no fruit left on the trees. Fortunatly, we have taken the food of the box.

Arthur is sad when I said that we must walk to find another place.

Knowing that is tradionaly. "Workers Day" Today !

Fire 1

           2 nd May

Today, we have found another forest for the cabin. In the forest, there are fruits and pigs.

We are going to eat meat for the first time for five days!

At the evening, we heared strange noises. Suddendly, a wolf have jump on me. Mathis has jumped on it and thrown it.

At this moment we heared wolve's scream. A lot of scream...

Mathis told me: "A fire! Make a fire now!" That's what I made and with torches we make them go back.

Wolf 2872222 640

        3rd May

We have seen a boat on the see. Arthur has taken the last flare gun but I told him: "What if we stay here? I like the survivor's life. Don't shoot please!". "OK" he said.

Ship 188900 1280

the end

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