On a desert island by Charlotte et Hnya

by Charlotte & Hnya

17 th May

We were sailing to New-Zealand when the boat sank. My family and I swam for a long time. We saw an island.



Our clothes were soaked and we were tired. Since that day, when ou boat sank, we have been living on this island. Firstly, we have built a fire. 


 Secondly, we have explored the island. We haven't seen anyone. We have been alone.


18th May

Last night, it was a terrible storms with lightning. We have been scared and worried. So, today we have built a small house. We have been hungry and we have gone fishing when suddently, a big bear has jumped out.


We have been afraid and we have run. We have climbed a tree, the bear has left. In the tree there were lots of fruits. We have brought them on the cabin.


19th May

We have felt sad and lonely because we haven't seen nobody. We have hurted hair. 

Sad and lonely

20th May

Finally, we have built a raft to return home.

Pirates des caraibes la fontaine de jouvence un naufrage

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