Justine et Julie on a desert island
Hello , I'm John . I experienced awful holidays last summer . Here is my story :

24th August
It was a georgeous day ! I was very happy to explore a new country (New Zealand) with my wife Jenny and my daughter Ana . We have left for two days . We have saild with my dad's boat , it name has "CAPRICORNE".

26th August
WHY ? Why I’m alone ? This morning I woke up alone , I didn't knew where were Jenny and Ana . I have remember to the storms and the shipwreck . I have begun to explore the island , for find Jenny and Ana , food and fresh water . It was been a rainy day

28th August
Finaly , I have found Jenny , she has already build a small house with tree branches and leaves . I’m very worried ! WHERE IS ANA ?!

29th August
We are hangry . So , I have caught a lot of fish and i have put traps for catch animals . Jenny has succeeded to built a fire !! GEORGEOUS !!! We have could eat a warm meal this night .

31 August
We have feel lonely . We are in the island for 6 days !
We have explored a part of the island, and we have discovered a river of fresh water. We haven’t heard of Ana. We thinks than she is missing!

1th September
WOW!! It has been great ! We have seen a huge crocodile .
We haven’t had fish , so we have fed of fruits . I have thought of seek Ana tomorrow

2th September
We here on this island cutt of from the rest of the world. Today with Jenny , We decided to explore a part of the island that we didn’t explore hoping to find Ana . We walked along the beach, the sun tapping our heads...
WHATTT??! I seen , Ana lying on the beach with a ice cream in her hands, and famillies swimming on the sea . We have shipwercked on Madagascar, but in the deserted part of the island ! It’s a joke ! We stayed on this DESERT ISLAND , while Ana and other people had fun ! I’m very defeat !

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