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James' diary

12 May

I have been on this desert island for three days. I haven't found food or fresh water yet.


I have been sailing with my father when suddendly there was a storm and the boat sank. Quickly, I have taken a life buoy and I have shipwrecked on this island, this desert island.


Now, I survive alone without food and fresh water somewhere in the Indian Ocean.


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26 May

I can't sleep on this wet ground. This huge storm disorder my sleep. I drink the water on the treeleaf.


I can't leave, the waves are mortal they can kill me!


If you ever find my note please send help.




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Commentaires (1)

  • 1. victor | 28/04/2018
angel, t' avais pas croiser un ecureil que tu aivais appele James une fois

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