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I want to go back home by Louane and Garance

23 July of 2004

we were on our boat ,my sister , my father and I. But suddenly, we saw some water on the deck and we felt verry worried. The boat was sunking next to an island.We arrived to swam to the island and we were lonely and scared at the same time.

It was six PM, we were finding a place for sleep.It was raining and my sister Emily, started to cry because she didn't eat and sleep for a long time.Finally, my dad and I found a good place and we fell asleep.


27 July of 2004

FOUR days have passed and I really don't like the life on the Island.

We have eaten a little of food but we are very tired. My dad has try to build a cabin and my sister is very lucky because

she has foud how to make a fire.



29 July of 2004

IT'S now one week that we are on this awful island.

I miss my mom and the rest of my family a lot. Im sad. Dad has sayed that he can't call someone for the moment.

I think that we have to stayed here for a long time.







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